Daily Radio Show

1) FAITH AND MARRIAGE: BETTER TOGETHER? - http://www.getprinciples.com/faith-and-marriage-better-to/gether/ GOOD NEWS, the sacrament of marriage is validated by sociological and clinical studies. Its still God’s blueprint for holiness and happiness.
2) If gays are so tolerant, why are they disrupting an Ex-‘gay’ conference? https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/if-gays-are-so-tolerant-why-are-they-... will point out that sin has a blinding effect on people. The way to overcome this is by forming your moral conscience with the Word of God. We must pray for our enemies and speak the truth in in charity. We will emphasize that we don’t repay evil with evil (1 Peter 3:9).
3) Gender-confused kids need therapy, not puberty-blocking drugs: New study - https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/gender-confused-kids-need-therapy-n... CA reparative therapist have been banned by using Catholic moral principles to treat the LGBT minors. People don’t need more drugs, they need ‘Gods grace.’ Our society prefers to treat everything with a pill instead of faith and prayer. Gender confusion is at its roots, a sickness of the soul.
4) CIVILITY // Catholic author and congressional spouse Rachel Campos-Duffy says that the intense rhetoric is coming from the Left: "When is the last time that security was needed on campus because a liberal speaker was going to speak? When is the last time that the Tea Party has mass protesters looting and breaking windows?" http://cvote.it/2s6fl7C The Bible teaches us that “a quiet answer calms down wrath (Proverbs 15:1) and James the apostles tells us that the tongue is like a blazing fire (3:6). This type of anger is rooted in our disordered passions.
5) CIVILITY // "When an irreligious wife-beater and voyeur shoots up a strip mall that contains an abortion clinic, the whole pro-life movement is suspect... However, when a leftist or a Muslim kills those who don’t share his views, we’re supposed to blot that out of our minds. That would 'politicize' a tragedy," writes John Zmirak. http://cvote.it/2rBQrt0. Evil exist because good men do nothing or say nothing. Our world needs moral clarity which requires fortitude which we have all received in baptism and confirmation. Our mind is the greatest gift God gave us, we must not let ‘the thought Police’ blot out from our mind unpleasant realities. We must confront adversity with faith, charity and boldness.
6) Five Myths About the Holy Spirit that Too Many People Still Believe (Maybe Even You!) - https://churchpop.com/2017/06/03/5-myths-about-the-holy-spirit-that-too-... catechesis is common mistakes even Catholics have regarding the Holy Spirit.