Daily Radio Show!

1. Gospel Mark 12:1-12 The parable of the wicked tenants
2. Venerable Sheen – A supernatural gift
3. Never Drink Another Starbucks Coffee Again, It Funds Planned Parenthood
Opinion by Tony Perkins Jun 1, 2018 | 9:12AM Washington, DC
4. 14 Governors Plan to Sue President Trump for Defunding Planned Parenthood of $60 Million
National by Micaiah Bilger Jun 1, 2018 | 9:01AM Washington
5. Bishop Speaker urges (TAC) graduates to be 'politically incorrect' in era of cry closets and safe spaces by Caleb Parke | Fox News - http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/05/29/speaker-urges-graduates-to-be-polit...
6. SERVANT OF GOD FR JOHN HARDON – eyewitness to the modernist treachery. He was a white martyr https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-eyewitness-to-treach...