Daily Radio Show

1) SHOOTING // Good news: Rep. Steve Scalise's condition has been upgraded to serious following additional surgery. http://cvote.it/2rLAHDP Good news - continue to pray for the Scalise family & denounce Political violence from any party.
1a) ‘Porn ministry’ teaches priests how to help those hooked on smut. One of the fastest growing addictions in the United States, on a par with cocaine and gambling - http://cal-catholic.com/porn-ministry-teaches-priests-how-to-help-those-... NEWS, this gives Priest a weapon that can help their ministry especially during confession and counseling.
2) UC Davis Rolls Out "Morning After Pill" Vending Machines - "It Encourages Responsibility" – Since sex got easier to get, love got harder to find - http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-28/uc-davis-rolls-out-morning-afte... will extol the beauty of the Catholic Church’s teaching on the two aspect of marital intimacy: unitive and procreative. The scientific studies support Catholic teaching; lower divorce for those who follow the Church’s moral teachings. We will turn a negative story into a positive one by highlighting Catholic teaching.
3) Cardinal Sarah: Criticisms of Benedict XVI are ‘diabolical’ - http://catholicherald.co.uk/news/2017/06/07/cardinal-sarah-criticisms-of... Sarah understands the power of the Liturgy done reverently. St Thomas Aquinas says that the Mass celebrated reverently gives us stronger graces, a Mass celebrated irreverently gives us weaker graces. After all, the way we pray is the way we believe. We will simply encourage Catholics to be as reverent as possible at Holy Mass. We will defend Pope Benedict as being the last Pope to sit as a theological expert at Vatican II, he has insight that the Church needs and Cardinal Sarah knows this well.
4) Five Myths About the Trinity that Too Many People Still Believe (Maybe Even You!) - https://churchpop.com/2017/06/11/5-myths-about-the-trinity-that-too-many...– the most important doctrine in all of Catholicism – Trinity, this is ground zero, we must get this right.