Daily Radio Show

1. Gospel John 17:20-26 Jesus continues and gives us the climax of his High Priestly prayer.
2. Are you ready to hear from the smartest guy in the room? Venerable Sheen – Jesus was like us in all things but sin.
3. Mark Wahlberg (Hollywood A list actor) & Wife Celebrate Daughter’s 1st Communion on Instagram (With Pictures!) - https://churchpop.com/2018/04/21/actor-mark-wahlberg-wife-celebrate-daug...
4. (TRANSGENDER PRISONERS) The Trump administration reversed a 2012 Obama administration order that allowed transgender inmate to choose where they are housed based on what sex they identify with. The Trump administration guidelines stipulate that prisoners be housed in prisons based on their biological sex - http://dailycaller.com/2018/05/12/trump-rolls-back-protections-transgend...
5. Jesuit Patrick Conroy: He is The Pro-Gay Catholic Dissident who is the chaplain in the US House of Representatives - https://stream.org/jesuit-patrick-conroy-pro-gay-catholic-dissident-us-h...