Daily Radio Show

1) CHRISTIANITY // Could China be the future of civilization? Consider: China's total Christian population will reach 247 million by 2030. (Article is not written by a Catholic, but still very informative). http://cvote.it/2rbsJDu GOOD NEWS
2) RELIGIOUS LIBERTY // A coach fired for praying after football games gets his day in court today. Coach Joe Kennedy of Bremerton, Washington, not only has a powerful legal team on his side, but he also has NFL Hall of Famer (and former Congressman) Steve Largent lending his support. http://cvote.it/2taMXP5 GOOD NEWS
3) Justin Bieber Reassures Crowd of God’s Goodness in the Face of Evil at Concert - https://churchpop.com/2017/06/06/justin-bieber-reassures-crowd-of-gods-g... NEWS
4) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Ends Harvard Speech With a Prayer - https://churchpop.com/2017/06/05/facebook-ceo-mark-zuckerberg-ends-harva... NEWS
5) CATHOLIC // Armed only with his skateboard, a Catholic man died saving a woman’s life at London Bridge. And he's being hailed as a hero. http://cvote.it/2rbUOdV
6) Top Pro-Life Congressman Steve Scalise Injured in Shooting, Has Long Record Fighting Abortion
Congressman Steve Scalise, a top pro-life Republican in the House of Representatives, was injured today when a gunman opened fire on a group of Congressional Republicans practicing for the annual Congressional softball game - http://www.lifenews.com/2017/06/14/top-pro-life-congressman-steve-scalis...
7) Interview Fr. Carney. Here is the number(816) 424-3197. Priest hits the street fishing for souls Father Lawrence Carney’s regular ‘Rosary walks’ are a witness to the Faith by making him a visible sign of the Church Jim Graves OSV Newsweekly -https://www.osv.com/OSVNewsweekly/Faith/Article/TabId/720/ArtMID/13628/A... NEWS