Daily Radio Show

1. Mark 7:31-37 Jesus healed someone who was deaf and dumb. My prayer is that Our Lord will heal us one at a time who are tone deaf to His glorious Gospel and His Bride the Church.
2. Venerable Sheen asks us today: “Has our love grown cold?” He says the Jews love grew cold when they began worshipping the golden calf. Has the love of Catholics grown cold? What is our golden calf? Venerable Sheen says Moses saw his people singing, dancing and being sexually immoral. He says this happened because “there is not strong leadership.” Are Catholics involved in sexually immorality? Do we have weak leadership or strong leadership? We have special guest who will tackle these questions and more, his name is Michael Voris from Church Militant. He is in southern CA giving a few conferences.
3. Interview - Michael Voris, welcome to the Terry & Jesse Show.