Daily Radio Show
January 3, 2018

1. Gospel John 1:29-34 Behold the Lamb of God.
2. Venerable Sheen – What is reconciliation?
3. The Most Holy name of Jesus.
4. (Quiz) How Much has the New Age Infiltrated into Your Life? - https://catholic-link.org/new-age-infiltrated-life/
5. Oh, How Things Have Changed! (right is wrong & wrong is right) - http://spiritdaily.org/blog/commentary/oh-how-things-have-changed
6. How Poland is Winning the Modern Age: And America Can Too by Carly Hoilman on December 1, 2017 - https://www.catholicvote.org/how-poland-is-winning-the-modern-age-and-am... all business’ on Sundays.