Daily Radio Show

1. Gospel Matthew 10:17-22 Christians should expect either white marytrydom or red martyrdom. No pain no gain.
2. Venerable Sheen – “The cave of humility.”
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJblkdpjCik&feature=youtu.be President Trump calls Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior this Christmas. (James) PLAY THIS CLIP FROM 1:40 – 2:58
4. Due to Trump's Tax Cuts, These 9 Companies Will Give Employees a Raise or Increase Employment https://ijr.com/the-declaration/2017/12/1038394-due-trumps-tax-cuts-9-co...
5. Analysis from Left-Leaning Tax Policy Center: Actually, 80 Percent of Americans Get a Tax Cut Under GOP Plan - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2017/12/19/leftleaning-scorekeep...
6. Trump Pence Mattis made separate unannounced trips on same day. We just-learned why - https://ijr.com/the-declaration/2017/12/1038764-trump-pence-mattis-made-...
7. Satanists disrupt Christmas carolers singing in front of city hall https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/satanists-disrupt-christmas-carolers-s...
8. Charity Watch List – Salvation Army & liberal Prolife position - http://www.all.org/get-involved/charity-watchlist/#Salvation_Army_USA &...
9. Radio Replies on Salvation Army pro and cons http://www.radioreplies.info/radio-replies-vol-2.php?t=149