Daily Radio Show

December 7, 2017

1. Gospel Matt 7:21-27 Be a wise man, built your life on the rock. Hey by the way, did you know that I was the first guest of Jeff Cavens on the 1st live show of “Life on the Rock.”

2.  Venerable Fulton Sheen – “A man who wanted to go to Hell.” Find quotes of Hitler, Hugo Chavez & others who said they were going to hell.

3.  Consecrate Mary to California Dec 9, 2017 - https://www.consecratecalifornia.com/

4.  The rosary is the prayer for our times by Archbishop Jose Gomez - http://www.archbishopgomez.org/article/676 GOOD NEWS

5.  Priest hits the street fishing for souls Father Lawrence Carney’s regular ‘Rosary walks’ are a witness to the Faith by making him a visible sign of the Church Jim Graves OSV Newsweekly - https://www.osv.com/OSVNewsweekly/Faith/Article/TabId/720/ArtMID/13628/A... NEWS

6.  JOBS // The total number of people collecting jobless benefits fell to the lowest level in more than 28 years. http://cvote.it/2pDDaQx Good News

7.  California Unemployment Falls to Lowest rate in 16 Years - http://www.breitbart.com/california/2017/05/22/california-unemployment-f... News

8.  CATHOLIC // Wow. Abortionist quits after St. Thomas Aquinas visits him in a dream. http://cvote.it/2jBEjZk Good News