Daily Radio Show

1. Gospel Luke 21:12-19 In the Gospel reading Jesus warns his followers that they would be persecuted and suffer because of their faith in him. But he assures them of his guidance and protection.
2. Venerable Sheen – “How I failed in love.”
3. Pope John Paul II’s Frightful Vision of a Muslim Europe https://stream.org/pope-john-paul-ii-vision-muslim-europe/
4. The future isn’t over yet. There is a large and growing defection, worldwide, of Muslims to the Christian religion. https://www.davidwarrenonline.com/2017/11/28/the-future-isnt-over-yet/
5. A disturbing article about the high rate of suicide among women who use the Pill. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/888986?nlid=119232_2051&src=WNL_mdp...
6. CATHOLIC // Natural Family Planning isn't just for Catholics anymore. Some who aren't Catholic recognize the health or environmental benefits to ditching the pill. http://cvote.it/2uUvYEY
7. 21 Regrets people confess on their deathbeds https://aleteia.org/2016/12/07/21-regrets-people-confess-on-their-deathb...