Daily Radio Show

1. Gospel Luke 21:5-11 In todays Gospel we read how Our Lord predicts that destruction of the Jewish Temple, 40 years later, the Jewish temple was destroyed by the Roman Legion of soldiers. The destruction of the Temple prefigures the destruction of the world at the end of time.
2. Venerable Sheen – the love called ‘agape.’ This is a challenge to all of us.
3. Atheist Group Gets Coach Banned From Praying With Players. Students Step up and Pray With Hundreds - https://stream.org/atheist-group-bans-coach-praying/
4. 6 Beautiful Quotes on Mary You Won’t Believe Are From Martin Luther https://churchpop.com/2017/03/07/5-surprising-quotes-from-martin-luther-...
5. When St. Teresa of Avila Saw a Priest Attacked by Demons During Mass https://churchpop.com/2016/10/20/how-st-teresa-of-avila-saw-a-priest-att...
6. St. Teresa of Avila’s Demonic Experience that Proved the Power of Holy Water https://churchpop.com/2017/06/26/st-teresa-of-avilas-demonic-experience-...