Daily Radio Show
1. Gospel Luke 17:11-19 In today’s Gospel, ten lepers were made clean but only one, a foreigner, said “thank you.”
2. Venerable Fulton Sheen – No distinction between vice & virtue.
3. Consecrate California 12-9-17: https://www.consecratecalifornia.com/events-1
4. Why kids don’t want to get married in the Catholic Church? http://www.patheos.com/blogs/deaconsbench/2014/07/why-are-so-many-couple...
5. More couples are living together before marriage. Whats the Church to do - https://cruxnow.com/life/2014/09/29/more-couples-are-living-together-bef...
6. Most urgent issue facing Bishops is Mass attendance - http://spiritdaily.org/blog/uncategorized/church-notes
7. Bishop offers Mass outside notorious late-term abortion facility https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/bishop-offers-mass-outside-notorious-l...