Daily Radio Show

November 14, 2017
Young People

1.  Gospel Luke 17:7-10 Our Christian duty.

2.  Venerable Fulton Sheen – Between East & West, Christianity is the balance.

3.  Watch the movie “Let There Be Light” - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5804314/?ref_=ttpl_pl_tt     

4. Pope Calls ‘Church Militant’ an Apt Description for Faithful on Earth Says Evil Wishes to Dominate; We Must Battle It - https://zenit.org/articles/pope-calls-church-militant-an-apt-description...

5.  Iconic Actress Blatantly Called Out Sexual Harassment in Hollywood Over 70 Years Before Weinstein Was Fired - http://ijr.com/the-declaration/2017/11/1012082-iconic-actress-blatantly-...

6.  Young people are leaving the faith. Here's why Many youths and young adults who have left the Church point to their belief that there is a disconnect between science and religion Mark Gray OSV Newsweekly - https://www.osv.com/OSVNewsweekly/Story/TabId/2672/ArtMID/13567/ArticleI...