Daily Radio Show

May 16, 2017

05-16-17 (Tuesday) – 1] President Donald Trump Signs Executive Order to Defund International Planned Parenthood - http://www.lifenews.com/2017/01/23/president-donald-trump-signs-executiv...

2] DEFUND PP // Ivanka Trump tried to convince Cecile Richards to split Planned Parenthood in two -- with one entity doing abortions, and another organization focused on women's health that didn't do abortions -- thereby not jeopardizing federal funding. Planned Parenthood said no way. http://cvote.it/2pR6khH

3] WITNESS // A college football player is entering the Catholic seminary, and the stories that lead to this decision are amazing. http://cvote.it/2pkRP6P GOOD NEWS

4] Email question: ordinary vs extraordinary care.

5] Marijuana as Medicine - Why isn’t the marijuana plant an FDA-approved medicine? - https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana-medicine

6] Why does the Catholic Church gives us more HOPE than any other religion, pagan or otherwise?