March 9, 2023


I know that the bible says do not be unequally yoked.  However the church grants permission for Catholics to marry a non christian.  I am confused about this.  Is it wrong to date a non-believer?


Thank you for listening and for your question.

   The Church allows for Catholics to marry someone of another faith, but She does not encourage it. A mixed marriage is one between a Catholic and a baptized non-Catholic. Anyone wishing to enter into a mixed marriage needs express permission of ecclesiastical authority (CCC #1635). Please read #'s 1633 through 1637 inclusive for a more in depth explanation. From a practical point of view it is best not to date someone who does not share your faith convictions.  Marriage is a vocation, i.e. a call from God. The spouses in marriage are supposed to help each other grow in holiness and union with God. How can this happen if one of them is a non-believer. Married couples are also supposed to raise their children in the faith and help them to grow in union with God. Please read the section of the Catechism of her Catholic Church on marriage, Article 7 #'s 1601 through 1658 inclusive.

God love you, 

Mary Barber, Host of "Bible with the Barbers" on