The chosen people
How does God deal with humanity when humanity begins to multiply? Out of all of the peoples of the world, he chooses one people who are to be his people. This group, this corporation, or this special people are to be the means of bringing salvation to everyone else in the world. Now who were his people? His people were the people ofIsrael, and he called them first through Abraham, and he governed them through Moses; he ruled them through the judges and the kings; he threatened, pleaded, and coaxed; he warned, and he loved through the prophets. Over and over in the Old Testament we find that God who loves humanity deals with them through this particular group. In his own words, God says in the book of Exodus, “You shall be my peculiar possession above all people. For all the earth is mine, and you shall be to me a priestly kingdom, a holy nation.” And again God speaks and says, “You shall be my people, and I shall be your God.”