You hurt the cause of evangelization when you spout on political people and issues. You just sound ignorant, a big egotist. St Peter and St Paul each speak about how to present yourself in the world so as to win over people, and this can still work in politics and radio. The facts and statistics on political actions speak for themselves. They are not helped by your home-boy editorializing.
Even if you want to stand by your obvious view(which is not the Church's) that faithful Catholics were obligated to support/vote for Trump,** please don't continue to weary us with your sixth-grade boast of how you avoided "the double jab" by telling a half-truth. Really? The fact is, there are as many Catholics who believe in the vax as do not, and they are not cowardly or unfaithful for their stance(in fact you are a coward for not saying,"No I did not get the COVID vaccine", and accepting the consequences).
I winced to hear you speak loud and proud against the vaccine as a Catholic spokesperson on national radio. What a scandal to those new listeners who might be interested in the Truth of the Faith, to those Catholics who "took the jab," and to those pro-life Catholic docs who in all sincerity support the vaccine effort. Please have guests on your show who articulate Catholic thought on politics, policies, and vaccines better than you. Your kicking against the goad of the world only shows your weakness as a speaker and as a commentator; it is neither edifying nor instructive.
Your strength lies in your witness of your own experiences with the Lord, in your and others' victories over evil through supernatural means.
tsk tsk tsk, childish ad-hominem attacks.
I have said the following about 50 times but since you have never heard I will share it with you.
I for one am not going to let a godless Democrat Communist government stick my arm with an experimental vaccine, we don’t know the side effects, these experimental vaccines are manufactured by Big Pharma for profit companies that cannot be sued if you die. I will not be the Government guinea pig.
The cure (which are the experimental injections) are infinitely worse than the coronavirus. I say this because 99.7% of people survive the coronavirus.
Most of our Church leaders are acting like a bunch of ‘cowards’ in the face of this virus, in fact, that is the title of a new book by Matt Walsh ("A Church of Cowards, A Wake up Call to Complacent Christians -
We are supposed to trust in JESUS, that's the message of the Holy Bible and the message of the Catholic faith and not worry about what can kill the body, but only fear God who can kill the soul (cf. Matt 10:28).
St Paul feared nothing, not even death - in fact he longed to die to and to be with Christ. cf. Philippians 1:21 (RSV) “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” And Romans 14:8 (RSV) says: “If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's.” In fact, if you are a Catholic in a state of grace and you die, you've WON more than any lottery. That's why the early Catholic martyrs ALL saw death as "a positive option." I do, don't you?
The virus is like another flu season, guess what? During flu season people die every year, what else is new. Even the liberal NY Times quoting Scientist state: The coronavirus is here to stay, but once most adults are immune — following natural infection or vaccination the virus will be no more of a threat than the common cold, according to a study published in the journal Science on Tuesday.
In fact, more people are dying of depression, suicide, drug & alcohol abuse - and many people are dying without LAST RITES (possibly going to hell), that is far worse than anything the Wuhan virus has done.
Our days are numbered here on earth (cf. Psalm 139:16; Job 14:5-6; Heb 9:27). There is nothing we can do to extend our time on planet earth one day (cf. Matt 6:25-27). I don't care how many times you wash your hands, wear a mask or self-quarantine. Remember Scripture says about God: (Genesis 18:25 (RSV) “Far be it from thee to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from thee! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”
As Dr John Horvat points out in his column, “The Coronavirus Is a Call to Return to God,” our reaction “reflects a society that has turned its back on God. We face the crisis trusting only in ourselves and our devices.”
What the world needs most are more St. Charles Borromeos, more heroic shepherds to restore the faith, promote confidence in God’s Providence and awaken true devotion to the maternal and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
As a Catholic I believe that the fetal cells used either in testing or formulating the vaccine is unethical and it perpetuates and incentivizes the abortion industry.
No one is bound to follow any bishop's pronouncements on something scientific or political, even if they do go out of their way to try and baptize vaccines and masks, ignore them. They haven't brought you the truth of the Faith. How could they possibly bring you any scientific truth? I believe in science but I don’t believe all scientist. No one, not even a bishop, can order you to go against your well-informed Catholic moral conscience.
By the way, I won't stoop down to the gutter and take a racial snipe at you like you did to me. I have found that this type of condescending rhetoric is common amongest liberal modernist Catholics.
"The truth will set you free" (John 8:32)
Have a blessed day!