April 13, 2023


I write you because I’m faced with a dilemma. I’m a member of the Knights of Columbus. As you know the Temple of Satan is hosting its SatanCon at the Marriot Hotel in Boston. I brought this before my council and suggested we boycott this event, however, none of my brother knights want to do it. They argue that the Temple of Satan are merely atheists LARPing as Satanists to undermine Christian culture in public life. Since the Temple is also supported by the atheistic Freedom from Religion Foundation that supports their point that they’re not really trying to push satanism but rather upset Christians. They argue to boycott them would be playing into the atheists hands so it’s better not to do anything. I’ve been a knight for 10 years and I can’t believe my council would be content with just doing nothing. I’ve been listening to your Jesus 9/11 podcast and read The Devil in the City of Angels and you make a firm point that Satanism is a real threat. How do I convince my council to rethink their position? Thank you and may God bless you!


I wrote a pdf why Catholics have an obligation to go out there and pray for the conversion of these satanist and to pray prayers of reparation because what their conference is an offense to Almighty God. Read my attachment.

Here are other activities these young zealous satanist from the ‘temple of satan’ are involved in:                                                                                                                                                   

1. They have afterschool satan clubs where students are indoctrinated with Satanic dogma by giving kids coloring books and babysit them until their picked up by parents.                                                                                                                                                     

2. These young people can then go on or, not to pick out clothing or a new bike, but to find a Satanic “bible” and coloring book, or perhaps a pentagram to wear around their necks?  

3. Satanists are seeking legal protection for abortion as they consider abortion a “religious practice” and a Satanic “sacrament”?                                                                                                                                                                               

4. Many city councils across the country commence their meetings with a “prayer” to Satan, offered by a member of the council who is a practicing Satanist.                                                                                                                                

5. They erect satanic statues around the country, they erect baby satan nativity scenes right next to Catholic public nativity scenes.                                                                                                                                              

6. Satanist adopt parts of freeways to keep clean to curry favor with politicians.                                                                                                 

7. A group of Satanists placed a horrid, twisted statue of a baby Baphomet (demon) next to a Nativity scene in the Illinois State capitol building…with NO opposition from the government!?                                                                      

8. They tried to consecrate Scottsdale AZ to Satan at the 1st satanic conference Not on my watch, there was a counterprotest from Lay Catholics that was be heard throughout the entire country. These satanist are now choosing a different city every year to host their satanic conference where they teach their attendees how to curse, cast spells, do hexes and incantations, they have an orgy and I have no doubt that they do black mass which has to be done with a stolen “sacred consecrated host” from a Catholic Church.

9. Researching the Drag Queens who read to the children at libraries has revealed that many of them are sexual predators and their “art” is full of blood and fecal matter, many of them declare “Hail Satan” on their social media profiles. At the DQSH and tween/teen Drag 101 events being held at libraries across the country, the children are encouraged to follow the Drag Queen’s social media profiles which are filled with Satanic pornography - drag queens also dress like satanist because they ARE satanist who have now infiltrated our public school system -, drag queens dress like satanist, they shout “hail satan” and post satanic messages and themes on social media – any reasonable person would conclude that they are satanist. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. Let’s not beat around the bush, these satanic drag queens are after our children, they want to corrupt their souls -