Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil Is It Medicinal?

April 11, 2024


Hello Jesse, I have a question regarding Cannabidiol (CBD) oil. In my state, Texas, I’ve noticed an influx in the sales of CBD oil and related products. In talking with a few of the vendors, my understanding is that Texas is not legalizing the use of medical marijuana, but they are starting to allow CBD for medicinal purposes. My wife suffers from Fibromyalgia, nerve damage and arthritis. As her husband, I obviously want to do anything I can to help this amazing woman who pushes through this intense pain to raise my two toddlers every single day, but I will not do anything that is detrimental to her salvation. My overall question is, if CBD has no THC, has no psychoactive properties and therefore cannot cause intoxication, is it still against Church teaching to use to help for neurological pain relief? Thanks in advance for you answer and God Bless.


My friend Dr Vince Fortanasce (world renown brain surgeon) says: “people tout that this CBD has medicinal value. However, after you are no longer under the influence and your sober, your sensitivity to pain increases. You can extract the CBD, but it’s very expensive and we have drugs much less expensive that helps decrease your pain” (Radio Interview on Immaculate  Heart Radio; 11-2-16; 11am to 12noon on ‘the Terry & Jesse Show’).

Also, what did Catholics do before CBD? We simply offered our pains up to the Lord (cf. Colossians 1:24) and we used medicines that were approved by the Federal Government to ameliorate our pain. I will be honest with you. The scientific & medical community has also been hijacked and politicized by the left. Can I be honest with you, anything that has the fingerprints of Atheist billionaire George Soros, I simply don't trust. He has poured millions and millions of dollars into the marijuana industry. He has enough money to get Doctors and Lawyers to say whatever he wants them to say. He is the pied piper for the Father of Lies (Satan).

Sulpician Father Gerald D. Coleman is Vice President of Corporate Ethics for the Daughters of Charity Health System and an adjunct professor at Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California writes: CBD is the major constituent primarily responsible for alleviating certain medical problems. In reality, however, marijuana dispensaries make their money on products that are high in the psychoactive compound and low in the component that offers medical benefits.

The liberal progressive secular humanist real motive for promoting CBD oil as this new wonder medication is so that they could continue growing marijuana from which the CBD oil is extracted from. This so called ‘wonder medicine (CBD oil)’ allows the marijuana merchants who are motivated by BIG MONEY to continue promoting this new ‘wonder medicine’ as the greatest thing since the invention of ‘penicillin’ or ‘electricity.’ The marijuana merchants are using ‘sleight of hand’ on the American people. ‘Sleight of hand’ is a term to describe card tricks where the magician entertains us by manipulation. We are being entertained by recreational and medical marijuana by Doctors who are being manipulated to say whatever the medical marijuana merchants tell them to say because there is a nice paycheck attached to their verbal or written endorsement.