Can the human heart refrain from partaking in her pain, in that Mother's pain untold?

Does Our Lady helps us at the hour of our death?
Our Ladies 7 promises to those who meditate on her 7 sorrows
5. I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.
6. I will help them at the moment of their death, they will see the face of their mother.
Is there something unique about Our Lady of Sorrows?
Answer: Absolutely, She can reveal hidden things you need to know. According to the Church’s tradition, because Our lady went through different sorrows, she merited different things. One of the things she merited while standing beneath the Cross was the ability to reveal hidden things and she knows them more than anyone else in heaven save God because of her closeness to Him (Fr Ripperger via email).
"Our lady is the one to go to for secret knowledge, 'your soul shall be pure so that the thoughts of many will be laid bare,' what our Lord is revealing through St. Simeon is - if there is something that you need to know that's hidden you go to her specifically under the title of our lady of sorrows and she will reveal it to you. It works like have a son or a daughter and you're concerned about them and you think that there's something wrong there, you can ask what are we dealing with. Or even in your own's very helpful to pray (to Our Lady of Sorrows) review your own defects because a lot of times the predominant defect is not the one that's the most seen...Our lady is the one to go to ask for the conversion of those family members like blocking demons and giving grace whenever you're trying to get somebody to convert or when you're trying to get somebody to start being a better life there's two sides. A positive and negative ,the negative side is you gotta get the demons out of that our lives so that they don't block the operations of grace...and then you also have to pray for the grace of a person for their conversion or for them to start living a moral life but our lady under the title of Sorrows is the one to go to through for those kinds of graces.