"Because Of Sin We Need A Fresh Start "
'Imagine a great orchestra on stage. The conductor is before his musicians, and every one of the musicians has music before him, well scored. They are all skilled, but free. One of the musicians decides to strike a sour note. In the face of that discord the director might strike his baton and say, 'Play it over.' But it makes no difference because that sound is traveling out into space at the rate of about twelve hundred feet a second --and on and on that discord goes. So long as the universe endures there is disharmony. Is there any way to stop it? Not in time, for time is irreversible. It could, however, be stopped if someone reached out from eternity and grabbed that wild note in its mad flight.
Then it would no longer be a disharmony, or rather it would be stopped from spoiling the harmony of the universe. But would it still be a discord? Yes, except on one condition. Suppose that he who stopped it wrote a new symphony and made that sour note the first note in the new melody. Then it would be a sweet note. That is what happened to mankind. Man was free. He struck a sour note, and that sour note infected all humanity. How could we ever have harmony in the universe again? God reached out and raised up a man who was untouched by that sour note --thanks to the Immaculate Conception and the virgin birth --and he started a new humanity.