Attacks At Night! Interpretation Needed! Why am I being attacked?

October 1, 2021


I am a baptized and confirmed Catholic. I am a convert. I am a direct descendant of professional witches. I grew up in pagan environment in Asia, in a single parent household. My mother converted to Catholicism after being attacked by witchcraft which she believed to be from my dad's family members.  Attached to this email are some of my recorded entries of some demonic attacks I have been facing almost on a daily and nightly basis. I have had faced too many to record them all. The ones I enclose in this email are just some of the more notable visions that I can recall. PRAY to Jesus and Mary before reading any of my recorded visions. Read them during the day, and not at night, if possible. Please give me your interpretations of those visions, if you can. For example, why do giant cockroaches appear and what do they symbolize?  


I don't interpret dreams, I don't have that gift from God.


I reside, there are more temples than Catholic churches. The local Catholic diocese is as apostate as you can get. Catholic churches don't ring church bells anymore.


In every diocese you can find an orthodox Catholic Parish, a Latin Mass Parish or you can go to any Eastern Catholic Church - their Divine Liturgy has not changed in 1600 years.


I do not know how or why I am experiencing what I am experiencing. I pray Catholic deliverance prayers often. What else can I do?  Why am I being attacked and by whom? I don't know or understand! I want to know and understand!


Go to this website -, this Catholic ministry provides instruction on spiritual warfare, requirements to engage in spiritual warfare effectively. so that they you not adversely affected by the demonic. Start doing those prayers everyday on the prayer link. They are designed to protect you and your family against the diabolical and drive them away. Also read the FAQ and the Requirements link before you start the prayers. If you follow the 'requirements' you will learn how to live in a state of grace and self deliver (like 90% of people who self deliver). Living a holy clean life in a 'state of grace' is the key to self delivering.

However, this is an arduous process, demons are like gang members. When you leave a gang you get jumped out and its violent. As you move towards Christ, holiness and virtue, this demonic vexing your experiencing is like being jumped out of a gang. There not going to let you go without a fight and without taking their pound of flesh from you. 

You may be dealing with a ‘generational spirit’ – listen to my show with Dr Dan Schneider on 9-8-21 on the show JESUS 911 on, were also doing part 2 on ‘generational spirits’ on the same platform on 09-29-21. These two shows will answer your questions on what you may actually be suffering from.

This apostolate - is a faith based to provide Catholic spiritual direction and help you discern if things you perceive are from an angel, a demon or your own human spirit. They use St Ignatius of Loyola principles to teach you discernment of spirits and how to understand God’s will for your life. Or contact the 1-833-77-AVILA (28452) ext. 4. They are both sister apostolates run by Dan Burke.


I have about 4 stacks of notes detailing my visions from many years ago. I sometimes want to throw those notes away only to realize that they are valuable. Do you think I can sell them? Can you find a buyer for me so that I can become materially rich out of my sufferings?


This statement makes me question your motives and makes me question everything you wrote. Your primary objective should be to put yourself in a right relationship with God, not how make money out of your suffering. By the way, you may be fighting these demons the rest of your life, God may permit this suffering to make you holy, make you virtuous and ultimately save your soul....

Jesse Romero <><