How long have the Jews been in Israel? Who are their surrounding neighbors?
Israel is a land bridge that connects three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe. Israel is a tiny piece of land thinly stretched out for hundreds of kilometers mostly along the coast. Two thirds of the land is desert. At its "waist" it is barely 9 miles wide. It is almost indefensible in a true military sense. In this miniscule area live six million people, one million of whom are Arabs. In the territories adjacent to and integral with Israel proper are more than 3 million other Arabs, now referred to as Palestinians. In the rest of the middle east and the world are 220 million more Arabs.
There has never, NEVER been a time in more than 3,000 years that Jews did not live in this land. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depending upon which conqueror was in power, but never has the land been empty of Jews. Jerusalem has never, NEVER been the capital of any other nation but the Jews. Even during the periods of Arab conquest they never NEVER made Jerusalem their capital, nor was it ever of great importance. Arabs pray to this day facing Mecca with their backs to Jerusalem. Jews worldwide in every single synagogue pray facing Jerusalem. Jerusalem is mentioned by name in the Tanach, Jewish biblical writings almost 700 times. IT IS NOT MENTIONED EVEN ONCE IN THE KORAN, THE ARAB/ISLAMIC Holy Book.