I first watched you at the strength and honor conference here in Detroit and even took a pic with you that day. Since then I have watched lots of your content online. I am very thankful for the info and knowledge you have given to so many. I Currently have a problem I do not know how to solve.. My cousin called me the other day and said he has been hearing and seeing strange things at his building in Northern Michigan and even when he is in the woods strange things are going on around him. His Girlfriend and her family also have noticed these things. My cousin grows Marijuana legally, has a girlfriend that he knows he will never have a child with but still sleeps with her and they are not married, he rarely goes to mass, his girlfriend's son lives in one of his apartments and he is not Catholic and is probably up to no good while also having a child out of wedlock with his girlfriend. So obviously my cousin is surrounded by sin and when he asked me what he should do I told Him the basics. Pray, light candles, watch those around you, and I even told him a lot of this stuff may come from his own personal battles and that he needs to push for a more spiritual life.
Is this what would you have told him?
Go to my website and print out the free pdf Word File I wrote called: ARE YOU DIABOLICALLY AFFLICTED,
I have no doubt your cousin is diabolically afflicted - in that pdf I tell people how they can be healed and liberated from demons.