Are R rated movies ok to watch?

I have a question for Terry or Jesse regarding my 13 year old son - but 1st just a little background. He's a really good kid who attends catholic school and serves at our church here in Covina (we often see Terry there :)). Anyways, my son (as did my girls when they were his age) is asking if he could see a Rated R Movie - Specifically the movie "It ". I am very against but a little torn because his friends from school all talk about Rated R movies and often go together leaving my son out which makes him very sad. I try to tell him to get together to do other things such as: pg13 movies, hang out at the mall or farmers market or bowling. I want him to have fun with his friends - but not necessarily these movies. What is Terry and Jesse's take on this. should i stick to my guns on this one? I don't want to conform to what all the other kids are doing but i told him that IF I let him do it once, it won't happen again - next time they will have to go to a PG13 movie... please let me know your thoughts.
Here is what the Bible says about taking things in through your senses: Phil 4:8-9 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me.Then the God of peace will be with you." Fr Gabriel Amorth (Vatican Exorcist) says that you can fall prey to extraordinary diabolical evil and put yourself at risk by "the influence of horror movies, pornographic shows and violent horror shows...the decline in faith is directly connected to an increase in superstition" (An Exorcist tells his Story p.63)