"Are my hands holy? No, but a sacramental sure is!"

I am a corrections officer in the in a state prison for men and an ex military sergeant. My step son is a Sheriff . Your new book sounds like a great Christmas present I will be getting for myself and I believe some friends of mine as well (The devil in the city of Angels ). A fantastic evangelism tool. My question concerns the place of authority I have as a catholic to pray for the sick and mentally disturbed or demonically oppressed Inmates etc.. I've listened to the prohibitions you and Kyle Clement talked about recently concerning the laying on of hands. I want to stand confidently with the Holy Spirit and in union with the Catholic Church as a lay evangelist who expects to move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit for his glory and the healing of both the physical body the soul, and also the mind. Can I pray for people out in the streets? or do I need to wait for the Priests intervention? Are there Catholic books you can recommend?You are a serious source of excellent Catholic teaching and an excellent role model. I don't want to suffer the paralysis of analysis when I could be preaching the word in season and out for all things are possible with God ! Thanks for your help . P.S I'm familiar with Neal Lozanos ministry . That's the most Catholic source I have.
"An imprecatory prayer is one in which I command the demons to leave. A deprecatory prayer is one in which I petition Jesus, Our Lady to drive the demons out. If I have authority, I can pray an imprecatory prayer. If I don't, then I should pray a deprecatory prayer" (Fr Ripperger; "Freedom through Christ - a Catholic approach to Liberation" p.130).
For someone that you come in contact with (in public) that needs prayer:
1) don't put your hands on their hand (because their not under your spiritual authority) and don't put your hands on their body (their could be a diabolical transference).
2) You can place a crucifix (or other sacramental) on their shoulder or neck (thats why I always carry a blessed St Benedict Crucifix with me). Or have them hold your crucifix and just gaze upon it.
3) Pray a deprecatory prayer for them asking "God the Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Our Lady, the Saints, the Angels to heal them and liberate them from any evil.
The reason we use a sacramental like a crucifix instead of our hands because the sacramental is blessed and gives actual grace, my hands are not blessed (unlike a Priest).
The only exception is that you can lay hands on your wife and children because they are under your authority, your house is your domestic Church and you are the priest of the home. Over your wife and children you can pray imprecatory prayers: "I bless you in the name of the Father..." or "I command you evil spirit as head of this house to be gone in Jesus name...."
Over those that are not under your spiritual authority you would have to do a deprecatory prayer, example: "May God bless you in the name of the Father..." or "May Our Lord Jesus Christ drive out any evil spirit that is tormenting you..."
Hope this helps, I tried to make it as easy as possible.