Are demons male or female?
Devils and angels are spiritual beings so, strictly speaking, they cannot be males or females, i.e., natural differences which require a body. However, I fully agree with Peter Kreeft that angels beings can have gender, i.e., masculinity or femininity, because these are spiritual attributes not bound by matter. They can also afflict male bodies and female bodies in particular ways.
For example, the devil, Satan, is univocally identified in Holy Scripture with masculine nouns and attributes; he is also assumed to be masculine because he is ferociously misogynistic and has a coldly logical, calculating, aggressive will to destroy all of the Heavenly Father's beloved children.
Males, however, don't have a monopoly on evil. There are other wicked feminine creatures identified in the Bible whose evil can sometimes put men ot shame. Female fertility deities, witches, necromancers and evil seductresses of Palestine were always pulling the isrealites away from God as evidenced by such Old Testament female characters as lilith, Ashreroth, Jezebel, Delilah, the Witch of Endor and others. Not to be outdone are the hateful feminine personages in the New Testament: Herodias and her daughter Salome; Pythonissa, the soothsayer in the Acts of the Apostles, a "Jezebel" and the Whore of Babylon, both referred to in the Book of Revelation.
By Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer "Exorcism and the Church Militant" page 28.