The Apostles Were Skeptics

April 11, 2023

If the Resurrection was merely an illusion, the touching of the body of Christ, the putting the finger into the hand, the hand into the side, as Thomas did, would certainly have cured any such illusion. Furthermore, when our Lord appeared He ate food; they saw the food vanish. He took bread; they saw the bread break. On another occasion He gave them bread and fish, and they were satisfied of their hunger. This certainly does not happen when there is only a dream or an illusion. None of the apostles expected a Resurrection. They had to be convinced. They had to be convinced the hard way, as Thomas had to be convinced. Believe me, the skeptics of today cannot compare with the skeptics of those days, namely, the apostles. They were the doubters, and when they were convinced, they proved that they believed by having their throats cut for the cause of Christ.