I am contacting you regarding noises, voices and incidents at my mother's home. My mother is 91 years of age, she speaks Spanish and a little bit of English, is strong and relatively healthy, keeps track of her banking, has a great memory, cooks and cleans as much as she can. In no way do I think she is going crazy or imagining things.
She has been experiencing several different freaky activities in her home for at least ten years. However, in the last three years it has gotten worse and my mother is desperate and almost afraid to go to bed. She lives with my brother who is 48 and he has also heard footsteps and other noises but not as frequent or intense. He thought it was rats in the attic at first but that was taken care of.
The 1st two paragraphs are a description of demonic infestation. Are there things in the house that are unclean are attract evil spirits like - Aztec calendars, pornography, drug paraphenalia, crystal, santa muerte statue, tarot cards, etc...Any superstitious item use as a lucky charm, an amulet is forbidden to Catholics and will attract demons.
My father did pass away in the home about 13 years ago and I kept the ashes in my house for a couple of years. Once my mother started hearing noises such as things dropping, footsteps and lights going on and off she decided that my father's ashes needed to have a proper burial with services and interned. She thought that with this the noises would go away. She would always pray the rosary and fall asleep with the rosary in her hand and sprinkles holy water throughout the house. The noises did not stop even after the burial.
Souls in purgatory by divine permission have been allowed to appear to family members. Your father's soul was disturbed because the ashes were not given a proper burial.
Around three to five years ago, my mother noticed a string of cross like markings on her carpet in the hallway leading to her room and chair where she sits to watch TV nightly. We tried to figure out if the markings coincided with her walker tires but it did not. We've shampooed the carpet many times but they are still there. They have started to fade recently.
About three years ago, the noises started to happen more frequently. In addition, she has started to hear voices but she can't make out what they say, heavy breathing that seems to be coming from the headboard, the TV has turned on and off once this week, lights have gone on and off twice, the water pressure drops when she is in the shower and no one else is home and things falling. She also recently saw her door open and an arm reach in and out of her room as she was watching TV.
The activity started again. Demons are attracted to people that live in mortal sin, who don't know their faith, don't have a faith or prayer life and as a result are living unclean disordered lives. What type of life does your brother live? Is he a practicing Catholic? He could be the source of the diabolical activity that attracts this preternatural activity.
Around this same time, the deacon from our church came to my mother's home to bless the home and pray with her because of these experiences. She showed him the crosses and explained everything. He prayed and blessed the home and thought my mother might be depressed since her sister had recently passed in Mexico. The blessing did not help and she has kept hearing things.
The blessing is a band aid, a blessing may drive out the demons temporarily but once the deacon leaves and the mortal sin and disordered unclean practices continue in the home the demons come right back with more of them.
In the past year it has gotten worse and my mother is desperate, terrified and not sleeping well. Someone recommended I use sage to cleanse the home and sprinkle holy water. That helped for a couple of days but it starts up again. My mother said they seemed to be "having a party" or are angry.
Sage is a superstitious practice that attracts demons, this undoubtedly open the door to more of them.
About three weeks ago, I reached out to another parishioner and he gave me blessed salts to sprinkle around the house. This seemed to help for a couple of days but again they have come back but more intense. My mother prays the rosary nightly, sprinkles holy water and the blessed salts nightly, prays the Angel of God, and recently the St. Michael of Archangel. We also had a Saint Benedict cross and a decade rosary with St. Benedict medallions blessed in the last week. My mom has placed that cross at the foot of her bed and under her pillow she places the rosary.
Praying this prayers is an excellent form of protection, but are both your Mother and brother living in a state of grace? Or are they involved in superstitious practices like going to curanderas and buying yerbas to ward off evil spirits? If your in mortal sin your prayer has no merit and is not heard by God (cf. John 9:31).
I'd like to add that my mother has thought that it could be my deceased father who is reaching out to her. My mother has spoken to the voices as if it was my father and tells him that she forgives him for everything he ever did to her. She asks him to leave her alone. She is past that and now doesn't believe it is him. She is now yelling, gets angry and asking the voices to leave her alone.
It is a very dangerous practice to communicate with the dead and prohibited by the Holy Bible (cf. Deuteronomy 18:10-12). Demons will very often impersonate the dead, in point of fact, your actually talking to a demon. Its a basic tactic of demons in order to start an abusive relationship with you.
I feel so bad for my mother and she is desperately seeking help. I have repeatedly asked her to move out and come to my home but she refuses to. I am reaching out to you in hopes that you can offer any suggestions as to what I can do to help her. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If everybody in the house is living a holy life, what we call 'living in a state of grace' this would not be happening. But the demon is being invited by someone in that house, I can safely assume it's the 48 year old son.
Living in a state of grace means to be living the life of a holy Catholic. Demons are attracted to unholy people, demons fear holy people, demons are attracted to people that live disordered lives, demons are afraid of order, demons fear people who have a constant daily prayer life, demons are attracted to people that don't pray.
Your Mom and brother need to be taught how to live authentic holy Catholic lives, if and when they do the demons will leave that house and find another unholy house where the people live in mortal sin.