Hello...I need help. I feel like there's no one to go to for advice. I tried getting to the bishop without success.
The Catholic Church has a paramilitary structure, a petitioner who believes they may be diabolically afflicted must first go to their Parish Priest (the Pastor). He has spiritual authority over his flock – demons recognize this. Prayer and counseling sessions and confession with your Priest is the first step. You can’t circumvent this protocol. In every organization there is a chain of command that must be followed. Demons are legalistic, they know the authority structure of the Catholic Church and must submit to it – it’s a spiritual law.
I have been suffering from blasphemous/cursing thoughts against God, Mary, Holy Spirit since starting process of exorcism three years ago. It gets so bad that I have difficulty getting through work.
What you have described is known as diabolical obsession, demons will carry on a constant narrative in your head loaded with vile words and filthy thoughts. Unclean spirits (demons) are attracted to unclean people (those living in mortal sin). They also want to disorder your thoughts and disorder your passions.
The exorcist in --------- told me they can't help me unless I say a rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, go to mass daily, meditate on Gospels daily, confession weekly. Problem is I can't get through these with blasphemous thoughts to do these prayers. They told me I was under a curse.
The Exorcist gave you spiritual direction to “put you in a state of grace” – this means your living a clean life in a right relationship with God free from mortal sin and resisting venial sin as well. Next he put you on a monastic prayer schedule in order to turn you into a prayer warrior. Prayer teaches you the doctrines and dogma’s of the Church, it reorients your faculties by enlightening your Intellect & strengthening and Will which gives you self mastery over your emotions and disordered passions. Prayer orders your interior life and keeps you strong in your faith by embracing virtue. All of these things can drive out the demon even before a solemn exorcism. In fact 80 to 90% of the work in driving out an evil spirit and being liberated is done by the penitent (you) and 10 to 20% is actually done by the Priest Exorcist. Demons are unclean spirits that look for unclean people and places. Living in a state of grace and have a strong monastic prayer life makes you unattractive and lets the demons know, “there is no vacancy here.” Demons are very legalistic, they know when they have permission to enter and torment someone and they know when that permission has been rescinded. The spiritual direction you have been given is to remove the curse. Gods grace and blessing are more powerful than any curse, but you must cooperate with the spiritual direction you have been given.
Yes, you CAN get through this prayer regiment because Gods Word promises: “I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13).
Do not allow Satan to have supremacy over your life for “he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4 RSV-CE).
Two key verses on Spiritual Warfare that give us answers and hope are:
“Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experience of suffering is required of your brotherhood throughout the world.” —1 Peter 5:8-9
▪ Sobriety is the first and necessary step to protect yourself against the devil. A person who lives a life of intoxication is powerless against the devil. Intoxication destroys the budding seeds of the interior life.
“…God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” —James 4:6-7
▪ Notice, we can resist the devil because we have free will. We are not robots with a deterministic behavior that we have been programmed to follow.
The exorcist told me there's nothing he can do for me, this is my penance in life for having my palm read two times in ignorance & fornication with men outside marriage for years while still going mass each Sunday.
Unless your willing to suffer to be healed, the Exorcist can’t do anything for you. Since has consequences (cf. Romans 6:23).
Repentance without works is dead! Repentance is followed by penance, which means there is suffering and discipline involved. Its says in Acts 26:20: "But (Paul) declared first to those at Damascus, then at Jerusalem and throughout all the country of Judea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God and perform deeds worthy of their repentance." Repent, turn to God, and do penance is all under the umbrella of "conversion" and "salvation." Also read: Luke 3:8; 19:8-9. It's interesting to note the the word 'Penitentiary' comes from the word 'Penitence' which is abbreviated 'penance.' Prison was supposed to be a time of doing external works of sacrifice to demonstrate that you were sorry for your crimes and sins. Let's face it, the bible calls us to 'penance,' and simply praying the "Sinners Prayer" may be a good start, but it's not enough.
Venerable Archbishop Fulton once said: “Every form of suffering is, in some way, able to draw us closer to Christ. Our suffering by itself leads to despair and is meaningless. Our suffering united to Christ is like a check with infinite value.” The penance is meant to be medicinal, not punitive. A Priest much like a coach of a high level athlete, wants his athlete to give it 100% at every practice and on game day. It the coach see’s the athlete is unmotivated and fails to follow the discipline and regiment, the coach will bench him and not play him. The same with a Priest, if he see’s your unwilling to follow his instructions 100% to be healed and liberated of a demon, he will go on to another case where the pentitent is highly motivated to be liberated and healed and become a life long disciple of Christ.
In the Diocese of --------, the gateway to their help is a $450 psychologist evaluation, then a deliverance husband/wife team who were formerly demonized & Pentecostal. That's when things got worse.
Psychological evaluations are a normal part of the protocol to determine and distinguish mental illness from diabolical affliction. The deliverance team in -----------is a husband and wife team. They have been trained in the charismatic model and they use the charismatic model. Yes, they were both diabolically afflicted as well and the wife is a former Pentecostal who is now a Catholic charismatic and the husband is a lifelong Catholic charismatic as well. Their formation is deficient through no fault of their own. The fact that things got worse is because they have not been properly formed in a truly Catholic model of healing and liberation.
In their session I started speaking in tongues. They gave me a "House cleaning CD" in tongues done by a priest in Mexico telling me to play it in my car & house. It caused a pulling sensation in my chest, and also caused my Dad & I to have nightmares of family members dying, and worsening noises in house.
Speaking in tongues is the most easily mimicked gift of the Holy Spirit by a demon. The Bible does not say anywhere that ‘speaking in tongues heals people and drives away demons.’ This is something inferred in the Pentecostal and charismatic movements. It has no basis in Scripture or Tradition.
Then I went to a Catholic charismatic convention attended by a Bishop in ------ & many people started laying hands on me for healing, praying in tongues. Then the exorcist told me without "meditating" - not just reading the Gospels, I could never get better. I asked him how to meditate, got a round about answer, so just thought of a picture of Jesus & focused on that. Then started getting words in different languages coming to me which local priest recognized as Latin. I began having smells of skunk, feces, flowers, & visions of Jesus in the clouds. Thinking tongues were from the Holy Spirit, I also was prayed over by a religious order.
You should never allow another lay person to pray over you and lay his hands over you. That’s a Priestly posture in both testaments of the Bible. Only a Priest can assume that position of prayer or a father who is the priest of the home can assume that posture in prayer over his wife and household. It is very dangerous to act like a Priest, the Bible is full of stories like Uzzah and Korah who were slain by God for wanting to act like Priest and not staying within their lane as lay people, they went out of their lane and were killed by God. Also, if you allow someone to pray over you, you are submitting to their authority, when they are your equal, they don’t have authority over you. Demons see these breach and this disorder and they retaliate against both of you. Also, what if the person praying over you is himself spiritually afflicted, now you can get ‘demonic transference’ from them.
So what is meditative prayer?
II. MEDITATION (Catechism of the Catholic Church)
2705 Meditation is above all a quest. The mind seeks to understand the why and how of the Christian life, in order to adhere and respond to what the Lord is asking. The required attentiveness is difficult to sustain. We are usually helped by books, and Christians do not want for them: the Sacred Scriptures, particularly the Gospels, holy icons, liturgical texts of the day or season, writings of the spiritual fathers, works of spirituality, the great book of creation, and that of history the page on which the "today" of God is written.
2706 To meditate on what we read helps us to make it our own by confronting it with ourselves. Here, another book is opened: the book of life. We pass from thoughts to reality. To the extent that we are humble and faithful, we discover in meditation the movements that stir the heart and we are able to discern them. It is a question of acting truthfully in order to come into the light: "Lord, what do you want me to do?"
2708 Meditation engages thought, imagination, emotion, and desire. This mobilization of faculties is necessary in order to deepen our convictions of faith, prompt the conversion of our heart, and strengthen our will to follow Christ. Christian prayer tries above all to meditate on the mysteries of Christ, as in lectio divina or the rosary. This form of prayerful reflection is of great value, but Christian prayer should go further: to the knowledge of the love of the Lord Jesus, to union with him.
The exorcised oil/water I drank daily made my mouth and tongue burn with burning. I started having burning in my chest, then abdomen too. When I went on a pilgrimage to Fatima, Assisi and Padua things got worse. I had a menstrual period out of nowhere, heard a voice in my head sounding like Satan himself, and nonstop pressure in my abdomen causing frequent urination/diarrhea simultaneously.
You are describing diabolic oppression, ‘physical attacks’ by a demon.
I have since come out of the Catholic church, went to Protestant "deliverance ministers" who made me worse, and they unknown to me "cast out the Catholic church" which caused my legs and arms to start shaking uncontrollably with tingling throughout my body. They told me I could never go back to the Catholic church. I did go back. That tingling got worse and is now chronic. I went somewhere else and they cast out the Pope! I had no idea so many people are against the Catholic church and was spiritually ignorant to say the least.
I will be gentle, you made a huge mistake. Protestants have no power because they don’t have the sacraments which are the channels of Gods grace. Protestants can temporarily give you relief, make you feel good, pacify your emotions, but they don’t possess the full powers of Christ to heal and liberate you because they do not possess the fullness of truth and they are ALL man made demoninations. The devil KNOWS their all fake and whatever limited power and protestant may possess is only because whatever is true that comes out of their mouth in prayer was taught to them by the Catholic Church. Many Satanist and witches have told me that protestants have NO POWER to drive out demons. They laugh at their attempts. These protestants ‘gas lighted’ you, that is they manipulated you by psychological means into questioning your Catholic Faith (therefore questioning your own sanity).
I don't know what to do anymore. I heard you saying that tongues are demonic and after this believe it. I even saw a Greek Orthodox monk who seemed to know more about this than everyone else and told me witchcraft was done to me and my family. I have had tapping at my window, electrical problems taking out my car, clocks going backwards, tapping on windows, banging on walls, people turning on me for no reason, weird pains, demonic nightmares, inability to speak or open my eyes, flashes of light from blessed statues.
Whatever Exorcist your seeing should have a team of lay people. The team is going to make sure you follow the spiritual direction – the prayer protocol from the Priest for an extended period of time, like 30 to 60 days. Most case of diabolical affliction will be cured by this monastic life of prayer, living in a ‘state of grace’ through the sacraments and Christian discipline (pursuing a life of virtue and holiness). 80 to 90% of people will be healed and liberated by following this spiritual direction monastic plan of life. If you are still exhibiting symptoms of diabolical affliction after a long protracted yet monitored time of monastic prayer and discipline, than you are probably a candidate for a solemn exorcism. However, because you have sanctifying grace in your soul and your in a right relationship with God your healing and deliverance at the hands of an Exorcist will be more effective, faster and permanent.