"Another faithful Bishop offers a correction on Popes statement with Muslims."

1. Mark 7:14-23 What comes out of man, that is what defiles him.
2. Bishop Schneider on Pope’s statement with Muslims: ‘Christianity is the only God-willed religion’ CATHOLIC CHURCH, FAITH Fri Feb 8, 2019 - 9:50 am EST https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/bishop-athanasius-schneider-issues-statement-on-controversial-document
3. Francis Betrays Christians by Embracing Sheikh who calls for Killing Converts? https://catholicmonitor.blogspot.com/2019/02/francis-betrays-christians-by-embracing.html?m=1
4. Excommunicate Cuomo - https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2019/01/excommunicate-cuomo
5. More black babies in New York city are killed in abortion than born alive https://www.lifenews.com/2018/07/12/more-black-babies-in-new-york-city-are-killed-in-abortions-than-born-alive/
6. Catholic Priest denies communion to pro-abortion politician after he voted for abortions - https://www.lifenews.com/2019/01/28/catholic-priest-denies-communion-to-pro-abortion-politician-after-he-voted-for-abortions/