All Humanity in Christ

December 16, 2019

"In a certain sense the human nature of our blessed Lord was unlimited.  It could embrace within itself all the human natures of the world. In other words, that human nature of Christ represented to a great extent the human nature of every single person who has ever lived.  You read his genealogy in Matthew and in Luke, and you will find saints, but you will also find sinners.  There was a bend sinister in his pedigree.  We find gentile women like Ruth; we find a public sinner like Rehab.  These were typical of the humanity that Christ assumed into himself when he became incarnate.  Every human being that would ever be born until the end of time was incorporated into this humanity.  Hence there's not a Buddhist, not a confucianist, not a communist, not a sinner, not a saint who is not in someway part of this human nature of Christ.  You are in it. Your next–door neighbor is in it.  Every persecutor of the church is in it.  When, therefore, we are puzzled about how other people are saved, we need only realize that here is implicitly all salvation, all men in Christ."