3 am Wake up call to pray!

What do I do if I wake up at 3am as a result of the nightmare?
The devil tries to imitate God, 3pm is the hour of mercy for Christians. For Satanist, 3am is the hour of evil. Church tradition teaches that Jesus rose from the dead at 3am, so for us, 3am is not the hour of evil, its the hour of resurrection because we are followers of Christ. So, whenever you wake up around 3am, there is a strong tradition in the Church through the testimony of various Saints that your guardian angel is waking you up so that you can pray for the souls in purgatory or because someone else needs prayer (that you may not even know about). The devil is afraid of 3 things (according to Priest who perform exorcist). The name of Jesus, Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel. If you feel frightened start praying the rosary or the chaplet of the divine mercy. The evil one will flee, and you will fall to sleep thinking about holy and pious thoughts. Here are 2 prayers you should pray immediately if you wake up from a nightmare.
Pray the following to Jesus:
"Soul of Christ, sanctify me, Body of Christ, save me; Blood of Christ, inebriate me; Water from the side of Christ, wash me; Passion of Christ, strengthen me; O good Jesus, hear me; Within your wounds hide me; Separated from you let me never be; From the evil one protect me; At the hour of my death, call me; And close to you bid me; That with your saints, I may be praising you forever and ever. Amen.
Also pray the St. Michael's prayer; he is the defender of the Church and the defender of each and everyone of us:
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host. By the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Sacred Music has power over demons, play Sacred Catholic Christian music in your house in the evening and keep it on very soft as you go to sleep. Gregorian Chant (latin) is especially powerful against demons.